Coldplay is one of the most successful bands in the world, selling over 100 million records worldwide and playing headline stadium shows across the globe. The band has hit the headlines since starting their Music of the Spheres World Tour with the pledge to make it the most environmentally friendly tour to date.
Amongst other solutions, the band introduced kinetic dance floors and energy-storing stationary bikes, encouraging fans to help power the show as they dance or spin. A kinetic dance floor can hold dozens of people and generates electricity when movement is made on them. The concerts host pre-show contests to see which group of fans can generate the most power. The bikes can generate an average of 200 watts of energy, captured in batteries that run elements of the show with 15 people cycling.
Coldplay also released a Sustainability Report* claiming they have reduced CO2 emissions by 47% compared to their previous tour in 2016-17. They also powered the shows production with 100% renewablenergy and each show averaged 15kWh in power generated by in-venue solar installations, kinetic floors, and power bikes, and their goal is to support low carbon touring methods where possible. The emissions data from the first 12 months of the tour were assessed and validated by Professor Fernandez of MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative.
Entertainment and concerts have an important role to play when it comes to raising awareness and teaching good practices. They also should not be underestimated in terms of direct emissions given that concerts affect a large supply chain, from production to transportation and concertgoers. We would therefore welcome a more systemic approach and measures should focus on the bigger topics of transport and waste management to make them a credible contributor to climate mitigation.  

*Sustainability Report:



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