Through our holdings in companies, we have the ability to engage in dialogue and exert influence in the way a company is managed. We consider this to be one of the most important aspects of our sustainable investing work in influencing and helping to improve corporate practices.

The Leonie & Norman Institute was created to serve as a hub for our engagement activities and a platform for joint engagement with other asset managers and organisations. The Institute will also contribute to public debate around ESG with the aim of increasing impact and triggering change in corporate behaviour.

Company Engagement on Environmental, Social and Governance Issues:

We conduct:

1. Ad hoc engagement with specific companies where we identify the need for improvement. This can be related, for example, to the disclosure of ESG data, the management of material impacts or ESG controversies, and the practices, policies, and targets of the company. 

2. ESG campaigns where we engage with all companies in our Top50 list on a specific topic in order to identify and promote best practices.

3. Proxy Voting, as it is a binding commitment from us to vote on a case-by-case basis on all resolutions subject to a shareholder vote.

We engage in dialogue with companies on a range of topics, from executive compensation to social controversies or climate related issues. Please find some examples of our work below:

- Booking Holdings First Letter: June 2021
- Booking Holdings Second Letter: September 2021
- Booking Holdings Divestment Letter: December 2022

Escalation Route

Trium Sustainable Innovators are keen to support all companies in developing a robust corporate sustainability strategy and promote transparency.

As a binding investment criteria, we can divest from any company which fails to respond to our engagement efforts on three different occassions, such failure being assumed to occur 6 months after initiating our engagement.

An example 'path' to escalation for a company not responding to our attempts at engagement is below:

For further information on our Engagement Policy please click here. Please find a copy of our 2023 Annual Engagement Report here.

For a copy of our 2022 Annual Engagement Report please click here.